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HV Guru
liitunud:  07.01.2005
postitusi:  11010
[0.21% kõigist / 1.55 sõnumit päeva kohta]
vaata kasutaja tiirP sõnumeid
arvuti:  Lyrically, this song is amazingly profound.
The fact there are so few words, yet so much metaphoric realizations being delivered says it all.
The main message in the lyrics describe the irony of living life from day to day to years on end, constantly chasing our passions in hopes of fulfilling goals and dreams, only to realize later on it is "The Trip" it's self that holds the most importance and meaning of existence.

"Our hearts just won’t die, it’s the trip keeps us alive" is an in retrospect reflection of the profoundness of realizing there never really was "a destination" that would have ever satisfied us, but rather understanding it's the constant endeavor to want,do and experience more, "to follow our passions" that keeps us relentlessly motivated to push on. Not to be taken for granted, "The trip" through life is what ultimately holds the most value, and what older folks mean when they say "its all the little things that matter the most"

"They're following some dance of light" describes people who are chasing various aspirations for what ever compels one to take the inherent risk of traveling the unforeseen and uncertain paths to get there. Hence > "Tearing into the NIGHT"

"Watching you fall asleep, the sweetest dove in a dream" this is regarding the power of being selflessly comfortable in life for what it is, and no less grateful of what really maters as to not take these things for granted. A dove in a dream symbolizes happiness, peace, harmony and prosperity.


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